Call Us:  419-420-7855


Grace Speaks is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt non-profit organization that is raising funds to help families pay for speech therapy in the Hancock County area and to bring awareness to the people and organizations that have helped us on our journey. In hopes that they can help someone else.
Grace Ann Leslie is our 8 year old daughter. She was diagnosed with Chromosome 18 Q- (Q deletion) at the age of 3.  This abnormality has affected her motor skills and severely affected her speech. We were able to become connected with The Chromosome 18 Registry & Research Society in San Antonio, TX. We met families from all over the world that have created a unique community of people that understand and learn from each other. They are helping to further research of the 18th Chromosome.



                             888-835-4993 FAX


                         124 West Front St.

                         Findlay, Ohio 45840